Jose Fernandez Newspaper Motion Graphic
South Florida Women's Basketball May 2020
In May of 2020 USF women's basketball wanted to highlight the success of their long time head coach Jose Fernandez. I was tasked with displaying a list of accomplishment that the coach had made over the course of the his career. Deciding a motion design would be the most appropriate way to show the long list of info I got hooked on the idea of making a motion design involving a newspaper.
Initial sketch and layout of the idea for motion graphic. Was then taken into photoshop to further develop each page that would go into the newspaper before adding motion in after effects.

Some generic pages were created to allow for flipping effect.

Videos and photos were masked in to the layout in aftereffects. I used the camera tool to move around the layout and a preset page turn to animate the pages and the Jose Fernandez motion graphic was complete!

Project live on Twitter from South Florida Women's Basketball: