South Florida Athletics Spring 2020
Football Schedule Release 2020
Motion graphic designed in Photoshop and brought into AfterEffects.

Different versions of schedule used for social, web, newspaper advertisement and print
Women's Basketball All-Conference Honors

Athletic Communications Templates

Template produced with the capability to be edited by SID's for any sport, with the option to include action photos, quotes, any number of stats, and more info. This template was made in order for ease of editing and still allow many options. Below is an example of how these are organized in order to edit you simply turn off and on folders in order to show the needed info while background folders remain locked in order to ensure the design will not be altered.

Graphic posted on the main athletic account.

Graduation hat created for use on campaign with mascot bull horns.

Template created with room for however many graduates the specific team had (8-1) to be posted on individual team's social media.
Coach Jeff Scott Tour Announcement
Birthday Template

Birthday template designed to highlight an athlete's birthday across the athletic department. Goal was to show a birthday graphic in a new and exciting way. The template still needs to be easy to edit for SID's so the template is set up with a smart object, the only thing that needs to edited is the top of the cake so by opening that smart object, changing the name, info, and picture and pressing save the graphic is ready to go!
Academic Success Infographic

Valentines Day Motion Graphic
Hearts created in Illustrator and brought into AfterEffects for a simple animation.
Men's Basketball Social Media

Graphic developed for players as they reach top 10 rankings and has the availability to be updated as they move up those rankings.

Basketball Senior Content

Top Play Campaign for March 2020

Custom Jersey Social Campaign